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【英语篇】Travel Expenses

作者:心结网 发布时间:11-23 浏览:

A businessman walked into a New York City bank and asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. VuA心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事
The loan officer said the bank would need some security for such a loan. The business man then handed over the keys to a Rolls Royce that was parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checked out and the loan officer accepted the car as collateral for the loan. An employee then drove the Rolls into the banks underground garage and parked it there.VuA心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

Two weeks later the businessman returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest which came to $15.41. The loan officer said, "We do appreciate your business and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a bit puzzled. While you were away we checked and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000?"VuA心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

The business man replied: "Where else in New York City can I park my car for 2 weeks for 15 bucks?"VuA心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事


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